I've been to busy, sick and despondent to post of late.
That's not an excuse, just a reason for the sounds of silence of late. After this weekend I shall be in a position to rectify this veritable famine of fiascos, debacles, screw-ups and annoyance at the hands of those iniquitous swine, that cabal of insidious workers to the detriment and defeat of the working man, The Long Island Rail Road.
Posts in the works include the I-Con report (last years I-Con was such a disappointment I think I actually forgot to deliver the promised post on it) including how a Very Famous Writer savagely cracked the spine of one of my treasured ancient paperbacks, and why I don't care about it as much as I should, a serious plea for people to stop using the trains as a means of ending their now-pointless existence on the planet or at the very least to start using the South Shore Lines so I can get home on time for once and the acquisition of new technology and my struggle with it in a World Gone Mad.
Oh, and Mrs Stevie's Shuttlecraft will be there somewhere.