Thursday, August 06, 2020

Google Broke Blogger


Blogger was working properly when I peeked in two weeks ago, but now there's a new interface that doesn't seem to do what I want, and the pencil tool on each post no longer works properly, or indeed, at all.

Glad to see that people with time on their hands have talen up the old practice of enhancing a popular computer application until it no longer works.

Tres 1970, hien?


Anonymous said...

Your dedicated audience; and the occasional drunkard, appreciates that you continue to blog. Please do more home improvement. And has the railroad miraculously become fault-free? Has Covid given you more to fulminate over? Are American automobiles still unreliable sporadically-mobile gas-guzzling money-sinks. Does anyone care?

Anonymous said...

Go on. Apply fingers to keyboard. Loosely format your stream of consciousness into sentences that are almost, but not completely unlike English. Tell us of wondrous American democracy and the making greatness of America by the ineluctable President Trump. Thrill us with stories of maintaining your snow blower, You know you want to.